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Dec 22 2023

HowMuchRent year in review

Hope you are set for Christmas, and near warmth. First update on, a website for rental transparency in Ireland.

You have been one of the first people on the website. In renting, what are your main challenges and needs? What can the website do to be more valuable/useful to you?

Useful Links

Properties advertising their rates between 3%-50% above their previous rate. 2% is the general maximum in a rent pressure zone. Currently tracking over 1200 properties that is over the 2% rule.

124 tenants out of the 280 User submitted rents included a description/review of their property. This is of use to the next people looking to rent at that location. This information currently gets lost the moment the tenant leaves the accommodation.

Nearly 16K Residental Tenant Board judgments , can now be seen on the map. Nice being able to see if a property you are interested in, has had any RTB judgment on it before moving into it, or if the tenant/landlord were ever in dispute with each other.

New Features

  • When you click on a property, you can now see any other properties that this person has advertised recently. See if you can find the Airbnb landlord managing over 1000 properties in Ireland!

  • We are collecting data on evictions etc when we ask people to add in their rents.

  • The website is now available in 10 languages, Irish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Ukraine and Russian. Try in Gaeilge and back to English

  • A Take Tour option was added, to help people learn more about what is possible with the website.

  • I added Landlord and Property Ratings to the search filters. There are also separate sections for dealing with if you got your deposit back, etc from them.

  • If you are interested in a property, you can now add a property alert, to be emailed when there is a future change to the price or description of the accommodation by the landlord.

  • You can now see how many times your property has been viewed by others, by clicking on your property on the map.


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RTB ReportsTenant ReviewsProperties charging over 2%

